Welcome to North Strabane Intermediate School's Gifted Support Blog.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

4th Grade Enigma Projects

4th graders completed extension projects to go with our recent study of enigmas.  Each student put a lot of effort into their work.  Great job!

Alia and Halle shared learned facts about the Bermuda Triangle by creating a model of an imaginary "Triangle Island" located within the Bermuda Triangle. 

Nitish, Dylan and Nick made a Bermuda Triangle Monopoly.  They focused on the possibility of electromagnetism as cause for the Bermuda Triangle disappearances.  

Taylor, Anna and Grace made a trivia board game to share what they learned about the Bermuda Triangle. 

Niko explored the Loch Ness Monster.  He wrote an imaginary first hand account with "Nessie" from the perspective of  a WWII pilot.. 

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