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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Grade 6 EcoChallenge

Click for information about this year's Fairchild Challenge

6th, 7th and 8th grade students went to Phipps Conservatory to participate in the 2013 EcoChallenge. Team challenges included a scavenger hunt, a food footprint presentation and a mobile making project.  This field trip introduced students to the need for environmental action in our community.  The Fairchild Challenge gives students environmental awareness tasks to complete and submit.

Phipps Conservatory entrance 

Plant Mobiles

Angela, Ashton and Gabby
Action shot of Gabby building a hanging device for her team
Angela and Gabby constructing their team's mobile
Zach, Michael, Kyle and Himanshu working together
Finished mobile
Good teamwork, Rachel, Atharv, Shawn and Zach!

Food Footprint Activity
Atharv, Rachel, Shawn and Zach thinking hard.

Team's created informational posters about food footprints.

Scavenger Hunt
Kyle at the Indian spices booth.

Rachel and Zach hunting for plants.

Michael, Zach, Kyle and Himanshu outside Special Events Hall.

Kyle, Zach, Michael and Himanshu in the Tropical Forest Conservatory.

Rachel liked the Indian bazaar!

Ashton, Angela and Gabby in front of Ashton's favorite fruit (lychee tree).

Shawn, Atharv, Zach and Rachel in the Outdoor Garden.

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